

The 犹太研究课程, a minor program within the History Department, welcomes 菠菜网lol正规平台 students and community members into a study of Jewish ethnicity, history, literature, 伦理、宗教和文化. 该项目的特色课程包括校内和校内课程 社区(参见意第绪语).

我们与上海州立大学犹太学院合作 & 员工协会 硅谷的希勒尔, and the Jewish Student Association to offer book discussions, public lectures, film screenings, and other cultural programming throughout the year. 


Jewish star hanging from a branch; blurry spring bloom in background


Engl 157, Topics in Rhetorical Analysis: Rhetoric of Hate (4 units), 瑞安Skinnell, TR 3-4:15 hybrid (see featured class and faculty on these 页面s)--因报名人数不足取消

Eng 169 Ethnicity in American Literature (3 units GE S), Allison Johnson, TR 1:30-2:45, 在人

Hebr 1a Beginning Hebrew (4 units GE C2), Galia Stein-Rosen MW 1:30-3:10, synchronous 在线

Hist 132 Advanced Topics in World History: World War 2 (4 units), Gregory Tomlinson, TR 12-1:15亲自

Hist 170s Topics in American History: American Identities and Institutions 在线 (3 units GE S + US1), Katherine Chilton, 异步在线

Hist 181 Advanced Topics in American History: American Labor (4 units), Katherine 奇尔顿,MW 12-1:15

Hist 188 History of Women in the US (3 units GE S), Katherine Chilton, MW 9-10:15 在人


Musc 10c Pop and Rock in the US (3 units GE C1), Thomas Langan, TR 2-3:15 在人 与MW 10:30-11:45同步在线

Rels 90 Bible History and Literature (3 units GE C2), Todd Perriera, TR 1:30-2:45 在人; Marianne Delaporte, 异步在线

Rels 99 Death, Dying, and Religions (3 units, GE E ), Todd Perriera, asynchronous 在线+ MW 1:30-2:45,面对面

Rels 109 Philosophy of Religion (3 units), 珍妮特·吉丁斯, 异步在线

Rels 162 Religion and Political Controversy in the US (3 units GE S), Lee Gilmore, 异步在线

Rels 191 Religion in America, (3 units GE S), Todd Perriera, MW 10:30-11:45 在人




特色班 希伯来语1

对学习希伯来语感兴趣? 这个CSU完全在线课程将帮助你开始你的 语言的旅程. MW 1:30-3:10, 4个单元,GE区C2. 指导老师是Galia Stein Rosen, 在加州大学圣迭戈分校担任希伯来语教师多年. 关于课程的问题? 联系 加利亚的斯坦·罗森女士.steinrosen@jenivy.com

Zoom link will be provided upon registration in the course.

Open University participants may begin registration August 21st. 遇到麻烦 开放大学网站? 请随时联系维姬·哈里森(维多利亚).harrison@jenivy.com or 408 504 7355) in the morning of August 21st, and we can walk through the process. 

This course is funded by a generous gift from Dan Feldman.



满足博士. 瑞安Skinnell, creator of a new course in rhetorical analysis: The Rhetoric 《菠菜网lol正规平台》(engl157). 我想你会和我一样被他感动的 反应 回答我问他的一些问题. The class was canceled this semester due to underenrollment. If you're excited by the topic, please let the English department know!

Peter 威廉姆斯 standing on a boat in Venice, with another boater in the rear


Outstanding Jewish Studies minor students may be selected to receive a scholarship 为了他们的学习.

爱尔兰共和军茨威格, first year Philosophy major, has won the fall 2023 scholarship, on the strength of his exploration of his grandfather's Holocaust history. 你会发现 他对我的一次采访 页面. 

你会成为2024年的获奖者吗? 犹太研究辅修课程现在正在招收新生 进入程序.  

Dr. 大卫·弗斯特站着演讲


The Jewish Studies program is blessed with friends who offer the 协调员 their expertise, wisdom, sense of humor, generosity of time and resources. 

One such person is 菠菜网lol正规平台 Kinesiology Professor Emeritus Dr. 大卫·弗斯特,去年秋天 launched a five-year gift of scholarships for Jewish Studies minor program students. 请阅读博士. 首先是 Page和about 爱尔兰共和军茨威格他是第一个获得奖学金的人. 


为什么要学习犹太研究? 一个回应

从基督徒的角度来看,为什么要研究犹太研究? 这里有一些想法 Professor 珍妮特·吉丁斯, who teaches Philosophy of Religion:


1. 宗教文化
2. 耶稣是一个犹太人. If I am to identify as a Christian I must be Jewish first, understand the roots of Christianity and understand Jesus.
3. 新约圣经主要是犹太人的经书.
4. Jewish studies helps me better understand and respect Qur'an and Christian scriptures. 
5. Teaching Christian tradition over 19 years I came to understand how many students 不知道耶稣是犹太人吗. 许多学生认为他是基督徒! He wore the tallit and tzitzit and argued with his religion. 我和我的朋友争论 我理解并能体会他的沮丧.

For so many, Jewish Studies is part of the path we need to understand ourselves and 我们的信念.

back of a man head's shows a kippah with the words Jew Got Questions


Peruse the 犹太lol菠菜网正规平台,问题,问题 页面 if you're wondering about Jewish news here in the Bay Area, or about musings in Jewish thought. 欢迎嘉宾投稿 转到本页! 请发邮件告诉我你的兴趣.

The organization Amcha issued a report on the significant threat to students' Jewish identity, in the face of anti-Semitism on college campuses. 如果你或某人你 know is a victim of identity-based aggression or micro-aggression at 菠菜网lol正规平台, please 让我们来探讨一下你/他们的选择. 给我发邮件,这样我们就可以见面了? 



欢迎光临,我很高兴你能来. 我是薇姬·哈里森,来自犹太研究项目 协调员. My career path has been that of a wandering Jew–a PhD in English at Rutgers in New Jersey, a professorship in English at UC Santa Barbara, founding member of Kehillah Jewish High School’s faculty, and most recently, chair of Notre Dame High 学校英语系. 在此期间,我还负责犹太研究 here at San Jose State and served as faculty advisor to the Jewish 学生 Association. Returning home to this minor program, 50 years old this year but always in start-up mode, I welcome you: Are you a student considering an interdisciplinary, flexible minor that will challenge you as a critical thinker and as a human exploring the diversity 我们的世界? Are you a community member considering the potentials of lifelong learning? Are you a language lover, seeking to learn another (or two) languages (Hebrew and 意第绪语)? Please return to the Jewish Studies website often, as I update it whenever 我有新东西要给你看! 给我发邮件 如有任何问题或意见.